Post published on May 2, 2024 by vspiceroute

Last post modified on May 3, 2024 by vspiceroute

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Introducing Watermelon Rind

Watermelon that is a refreshing fruit is eaten during spring summer in my house. We just eat the red part of watermelon also called Tarbooz in Hindi but most people end up throwing the rest. Today we are taking the white part of watermelon that is also called the rind and making a Gujarati shaak with it. The rind can be eaten and have essential nutrients. The white layer is known to be the healthiest and contains citrulline. Check benefits here

The citrulline is then converted to essential amino acids in our body that improves blood flow. It is healthy and also contains less sugar than the flesh of watermelon. After watching this video, no more throwing out watermelons. 

Dish Inspiration for Watermelon rind nu shaak

Watermelon rind nu shaak is not just a delicious culinary creation; it’s also a shining example of sustainability and resourcefulness, making it a perfect addition to our zero waste series. In a world where food waste is a pressing issue, this dish demonstrates how every part of an ingredient can be utilized to create something truly remarkable.

Watermelon rind nu shaak is a delightful Gujarati dish that transforms the often-discarded part of the watermelon into a flavorful and nutritious meal. Originating from the western state of India, Gujarat, this dish embodies the resourcefulness and creativity of Indian cuisine, where no part of an ingredient goes to waste.

How to make Watermelon rind?

Prepare the Watermelon Rinds: Begin by cutting the watermelon rinds into small, bite-sized pieces. Make sure to remove the tough green outer skin and use only the tender white part of the rind.

Heat Oil and Temper Spices: In a pan, heat oil over medium heat for 1-2 minutes until it is hot. To temper the oil, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, and a pinch of hing (asafoetida) powder. Let the spices sizzle and release their aroma, which will infuse the oil with flavor.

Add Watermelon Rinds and Salt: Once the spices are sizzling, add the prepared watermelon rinds to the pan. Season with salt to taste. Stir well to coat the rinds with the tempered oil and spices.

Cook Until Softened: Allow the watermelon rinds to cook over medium heat for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cook until the rinds soften and become tender. This process allows the rinds to absorb the flavors of the spices and develop a rich taste.

  • Add Kokum and Jaggery: Once the rinds have softened, add kokum (a souring agent) and jaggery (or sugar) to balance the flavors. Kokum adds a tangy taste while jaggery adds a hint of sweetness. Let the mixture simmer for an additional 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  • Spice it Up: To enhance the flavor and color of the dish, add turmeric powder, red chili powder, and cumin-coriander powder. Adjust the amount of chili powder according to your desired level of spiciness. Mix well to evenly distribute the spices throughout the dish.
  • Simmer: Allow the shaak to simmer for another 10 minutes, allowing the flavors to deepen and the spices to fully infuse into the dish. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.
  • Garnish and Serve: Once the shaak is cooked to perfection, garnish it with freshly chopped cilantro. The vibrant green cilantro adds a burst of freshness and color to the dish.
  • Enjoy: Watermelon rind nu shaak is best enjoyed hot and pairs well with a variety of Indian breads such as roti, rice, thepla, Bhakri, or parathas. It also makes a delicious accompaniment to khichdi, adding flavor and nutrition to this comforting dish.

Equipment needed:

  • Knife and Cutting Board: You’ll need these to cut the watermelon rind into small pieces.
  • Pan: Use a big frying pan or skillet to cook the shaak.
  • Spatula or Spoon: This helps you stir and mix the ingredients while cooking.
  • Measuring Spoons: These help you measure the right amount of spices and salt.
  • Grater (optional): If your jaggery is in big pieces, you might need this to make it smaller.
  • Lid: You’ll need a lid to cover the pan while the shaak is cooking.


  • Refrigerate: Put the leftover shaak in a clean, airtight container and store it in the fridge.
  • Time: It’s good in the fridge for about 3-4 days.
  • Reheat: When you want to eat it again, warm it up on the stove or in the microwave.
  • Check: Before eating, make sure it still looks and smells okay. If it seems off, it’s better to throw it away.

Serving suggestions:

  • With Khichdi: Pair the shaak with khichdi, a comforting Indian dish made with rice and lentils. The combination of the flavorful shaak and the mild, soothing khichdi creates a wholesome and satisfying meal.
  • With Roti or Parathas: Serve the shaak alongside freshly made roti or parathas. These Indian breads complement the savory flavors of the shaak and are perfect for soaking up the delicious gravy.
  • With Rice: Enjoy the shaak with plain steamed rice. The soft texture of the rice contrasts beautifully with the tender watermelon rind, creating a delicious and hearty meal.
  • With Thepla or Bhakri: For a traditional Gujarati meal, serve the shaak with thepla or bhakri. Thepla is a spiced Indian flatbread made with whole wheat flour and flavored with herbs, while bhakri is a thicker, unleavened bread made from millet flour. Both options add a unique texture and flavor to the meal.

Expert Tips:

  • Choose Fresh Rinds: Opt for fresh watermelon rinds with a firm texture and vibrant color. Avoid using rinds that are overly soft or discolored, as they may affect the taste and texture of the dish.
  • Trim Carefully: Take care when trimming the watermelon rinds to remove the tough outer skin. Make sure to remove any remaining pink flesh, as it can make the shaak too watery.
  • Simmer Slowly: Allow the shaak to simmer gently over low to medium heat to allow the flavors to develop fully. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and ensure even cooking.

Watermelon Rinds nu shaak or curry

Watermelon Rinds curry or dish is an easy to make Gujarati inspired recipe. You can make this shaak with basic ingredients and it is a good way to save watermelon rinds rather than throwing them away. During spring and summer we all get watermelons and we often throw out the ends so why waste it? Checkout this quick recipe.
5 from 10 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine gujarati food, gujrati


  • 1 cup Watermelon rinds white part
  • 1 tsp cumin seeds
  • 1/4 tsp hing powder asafetida powder
  • 1 tsp mustard seeds
  • 3 pieces of hokum gardenia indica
  • 1/4 cup jaggery optional
  • 1 tsp red chili powder
  • Salt as needed
  • 1 tsp cumin coriander powder
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro


  • Cut the watermelon rinds into pieces
  • Heat oil on medium heat for 1-2 minutes
  • Add cumin seeds, mustard seeds and hing powder and let it sizzle
  • Add the watermelon rinds, salt and let it cook for about 15-20 minutes till it softens
  • Once it softens add kokum and jaggery and let it simmer for 5 minutes
  • Add turmeric powder, red chili powder and cumin coriander powder
  • Mix and let it simmer for 10 minutes
  • Garnish with chopped cilantro
  • Enjoy this shaak with khichdi, roti, rice, thepla, Bhakri or parathas
Keyword easy gujarati shaak, indian curry, watermelon rind, watermelon rind recipe, zero waste recipe